Sunday, November 16, 2008

The dumpster was delivered on thursday and is now full. MJ do you like who it is from? 
The living room. Do you like the insulation hanging?
This was the guest room. Does anyone want to sleep over?
 This was the bathroom and my closet in our bedroom.
John finished the patio last wednesday. We are so happy with the colors they are tan, blue and red.  Can't wait to put the table and chairs out and buy a fire pit and have family and friends over.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How cute are we. Grandma and Felix.

Here is our new parking area now we won't be tripping in the holes in the yard just the rocks.

John the patio guy is half done . I couldn't remember the color of the pavers it had been ordered so long ago. It will be big enough for the table and chairs and a fire pit. Can't wait to put out the new table and chairs we bought and use it.

We were very happy that Felix was there along with Aunt Meg, Uncle Jay and Mom.

The weather was perfect we were able to be outside.
Ok so we have been really busy with moving and all that fun stuff and haven't posted in awhile.
Here are some pictures from the goodbye lunch we had for my parents and of the parking area and patio. 

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Things are moving along quite nicely with new septic system. The leech field is in and plumbed and the new tank finally got installed. It got delayed a bit due to ledge and a broken machine. In addition to the septic system we have contracted a new roof, new heating a/c system, patio and a crushed stone parking area.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

We are at week 2 of the septic job. The rock splitter is coming monday so he says.  Then the septic will go into the big hole in the back yard. Doug tells everyone that we are getting a  very big hot tub.   Maybe someday. The wall in the front is almost done it looks good. Yesterday we picked out a natural stone for the front step and another stone to make a bench for the patio. The side of the house will then get ripped up and then the patio guy is coming.  Keep your prayers coming because we have a long way to go.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

proud grandpa

We went to vermont this past weekend to see Felix and his parents, aunt and uncle. The weather was perfect we went to our favorite restaurant twice. Sunday we went on a hike and even got to babysit. It was a wonderful weekend here are some pictures of our very cute grandson.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Ok here are some pictures of our house 
this is the hole where the septic is going to be after the rock splitter comes oh yeah he cost more.



  We have decided to start a blog to let everyone see the change in our house. So welcome to our blog we hope that you enjoy it and please be patient  as i learn how to do this.
